We are an inclusive Christian community.
We welcome the entire human family regardless of race, age, creed, physical abilities, marital or economic status, gender identity, or sexuality. We are fully inclusive of LGBTQ and gender at all levels — in leadership, in marriage, in our governing body, and in our congregation.
Milledge Avenue Baptist Church is a worshiping family of God, living and sharing Christ's love with each other, our community, and our world.
We are a welcoming and inclusive Christian community — a gathering of friends who know we are loved and that we belong. Jesus Christ is the focus of our worship, the model of our relationships, the source of our unity, and the motivation to reach out to our neighbors and world. Everyone is welcome here. We mean everyone—No exclusions. No walls. No barriers.
Sundays at MABC
9:30am: Coffee & Conversation in the Gathering Room
10:00am: Sunday School or Small Groups for all ages
11:00am: Worship in the Sanctuary and on our YouTube Channel
If you're looking for a community of love and belonging and a place where your faith can be nurtured, we invite you to visit us at 1690 S. Milledge Avenue, Athens, Georgia 30605.
Visit Us

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